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Version: 0.21.x

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

How to Deploy Takeoff Stack in GCP GKE Table of Contents

This guide walks you through deploying the Takeoff Stack in GCP GKE. As an example, we will deploy a llama3-8b model with an embedding model jina-v2-code-embed


Ensure you have the following:

  • Access to the GCP Console.
  • gcloud CLI: For interacting with Google Cloud Platform from the terminal.
  • kubectl: For interacting with the Kubernetes cluster.
  • helm: For deploying Helm charts.

Step 1: Set Up an GKE Autopilot Cluster​

  1. Navigate to the GCP Console and select "Kubernetes Engine".
  2. Click "Create" to set up a new cluster.
  3. Provide a cluster name and region, then leave other configurations as default.
  4. Hit the "Create" button, and GCP will handle the rest. GKE

Step 2: Connect to the Cluster​

  1. Log in to your GCP account from the terminal:

    gcloud auth login
  2. Configure your Kubernetes credentials for the cluster:

    • Replace <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> and <YOUR_CLUSTER_REGION> with your cluster name and region.

      gcloud container clusters get-credentials <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> --region <YOUR_CLUSTER_REGION>
  3. You should see output like this:

    Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
    kubeconfig entry generated for autopilot-takeoff-cluster.

Step 3: Prepare the Namespace and Secrets​

  1. Create the Namespace

    • Use takeoff as the namespace (or choose a different name):
      kubectl create namespace takeoff
  2. Create Secrets

    • Docker Credentials: Ensure you provide your .dockerconfig.json file.

      kubectl create secret generic takeoff-regcred --namespace takeoff \
      --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<PATH_TO_YOUR_DOCKERCONFIG.JSON> \
    • Takeoff Secrets: Replace <LICENSE_KEY> and <TOKEN> with your actual values:

      kubectl create secret generic takeoff-secrets --namespace takeoff \
      --from-literal=LICENSE_KEY=<LICENSE_KEY> \

Step 4: Deploy the Takeoff Stack Using Helm​

  1. Navigate to the Helm chart directory:

    cd pantheon/hades/pantheon-helm/
  2. Install the Takeoff Stack:

    helm install takeoff-stack ./ --namespace takeoff -f values.yaml -f overwrites/gcp_gke.yaml

Step 5: Test and Validate the Service​

  1. Port-Forward the Service

    • Forward the service port to your local machine:

      kubectl port-forward service/takeoff-controller-svc 3000:3000 3001:3001 --namespace takeoff
  2. Access the Frontend

    • Open your browser and navigate to:
      • http://localhost:3000 for the main frontend.
      • http://localhost:3001 for the management frontend.
  3. Validate the Model with a Test Request

    • Use curl to send a request to the service and verify the model is working:

      curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/generate -N \
      -d '{"text": ["How are you?"], "consumer_group": "generate"}' \
      --header "Content-Type: application/json"
    • If successful, the model should return a response confirming it is loaded and functioning.