📄️ Generation endpoints
To run inference with takeoff, simply POST a JSON payload containing text (the prompt) and parameters to the REST API endpoint, which will return a JSON response containing the generated text.
📄️ Embedding endpoints
Embedding with Takeoff requires making a request to the single embedding endpoint: embed.
📄️ Classification endpoints
Using classification & reranking models with Takeoff requires making a request to the classification endpoint: classify.
📄️ Using the GUI
Takeoff is packaged with some easy-to-use demo interfaces to help you quickly test out a model. There are two interfaces available: Chat - similar to that of OpenAI chat (chatGPT) and Playground - similar to that of OpenAI completions.
📄️ Generating JSON/Regex
Takeoff allows you to generate outputs which match a given regular expression or JSON Schema. This lets you output data with a consistent format, adhering to any type requirements.